Since 2000, Medax core business has been the developing, manufacturing and marketing of biopsy devices, interventional needles and special needles, according to the market’s and users’ demand.
In the last 18 years, Medax focused in the developing of minimally invasive surgical needles and devices, mainly in the field of biopsy. Nowadays, our experience allows us to offer a complete catalogue and a broad line of biopsy devices and special needles which find their application mainly in the fields of Radiology, Interventional Radiology, Oncology, Haematology.
With an expert sales network focused on the service to the customer, Medax has become known worldwide as a reference company in developing and producing medical devices, being able to give fast and reliable answers according to the needs of both customers and professionals in the field.
Today, Medax is present with its distributors in more than 70 countries around the world. With the support of a eighteen-year experienced Regulatory department, our dedicated sales-force provides frontline support to customers and organizes training programs on an ongoing basis, while our technical department works daily on product improvement, considering every new product development as a chance of growth.
Headquarters: Medax Srl Unipersonale Via S. Pertini, 4 - 41039 - San Possidonio (MO) - Italy
Company direct No. : +39 0535 1812757 - Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Registered Office: Medax Srl Unipersonale Via R. Piva, 1/A - 46025 - Poggio Rusco (MN) - Italy
Vat N. /Fiscal Code N. Iscriz. Reg. Impr. MN 02669860369 N. REA: MN 233527 - Capitale Sociale Euro 100.011,00 i.v.