
With our facility located in the north of Italy, near Modena, Medax works in the middle of one of the main medical industry compounds in Europe (the Medical Valley around Mirandola), with a fast and reliable access to satellite activities like precision workshop and sterilization centers.

Our manufacturing plant comprises all that’s needed to control production from the raw materials to the final product. The molding department works with vertical insert molding machines that guarantees high safety standards for our products. All assembly and packaging activities take place in a clean room class ISO 8, where environmental parameters are constantly monitored to prevent any risk of contamination.

Knowing the importance of their work, Medax’s employees treat every device as if it were to be used during the care of a loved one, while treating colleagues, clients and vendors with respect, responsiveness and dignity they deserve.

Headquarters: Medax Srl Unipersonale Via S. Pertini, 4 - 41039 - San Possidonio (MO) - Italy
Company direct No. : +39 0535 1812757 - Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Registered Office: Medax Srl Unipersonale Via R. Piva, 1/A - 46025 - Poggio Rusco (MN) - Italy
Vat N. /Fiscal Code N. Iscriz. Reg. Impr.  MN 02669860369 N. REA: MN 233527 - Capitale Sociale Euro 100.011,00 i.v.